Ratio Christi


Ratio Christi (Latin for “The Reason of Christ”) is a global campus ministry that equips university students and faculty in apologetics, that is, to give historical, scientific, and philosophical reasons to believe Christianity is true.  Over 150 Ratio Christi ministries at universities around the world meet regularly to bring together faith and reason, defend the truth of God, the Bible, and Christ’s resurrection, and share Jesus’ message of love and forgiveness.     

 We launched Ratio Christi here in Lincoln in August, 2018.  Besides our weekly study, we speak at churches, camps, and various events.  During the school year we host large events where we bring in nationally known speakers to lecture or debate someone who believes Christianity is false.  We also welcome skeptics, those who have questions about Christianity, and Christians who might be wondering if Christianity is really true.  Our purpose is best summarized by 1 Peter 3:15-16:

 Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and respect.

 Please let us know how we can serve you!  Contact us at unl@ratiochristi.org and follow us on social media:



